目前分類:講綱 (2)

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The image of a political leader: Washington in China 

對華盛頓豐功偉業的敘述與想像,乃成為探討十九世紀末二十世紀初之中國政體的重要平臺。在前人(如潘光哲)研究的基礎上,本次演講將著重探析政治領袖形象在中國公共空間的出現,以及民初政治人物如孫中山與袁世凱如何以此為鑒,自覺塑造自己的領袖形象。在這前提下,由Gilbert Charles Stuart所繪的華盛頓之肖像,在廣州以油畫及石印的方式製作的複品,起了重要作用。這是因為複製品展現了從服飾到公共舉止一個熱心社會公益的開明的政治領袖的形象。本次演講亦將討論不同典型的政治人物,如孫中山與袁世凱,如何選擇效仿外國偉大人物(華盛頓與拿破崙)來塑造自己的公眾形象時,亦同時面臨著的可信度的壓力。出席者可以翻讀潘光哲的專著——《華盛頓在中國 : 製作「國父」》(臺北:三民書局,2006年版)。

Narratives of the exploits of George Washington are an important platform to discuss the problems of the Chinese polity in the 19th end early 20th century. Building on research done by others (such as P'an Kuang-che) on this subject, the talk will address the question of the emergence of the image of the political leader in the Chinese public sphere as well as the self-stylization of reformers such as Sun Yat-sen and Yuan Shikai in their publizised images. In this context reproductions of the Stuart image of George Washington in Canton in oil, and eventually in lithograph reproductions p[lay an important role, because it showed the public manner (down to clothes) of an enlightened leading politician who was devoted to the public good. The talk will show the different models politicians such as Sun Yatsen and Yuan Shikai chose to emulate in their public image, as well as the huge pressure on the to become a credible counterpart of a foreign hero, be it Washington or Napoleon. Participants might want to take a look at P'an Kuang-che's book on Washington in China.




Justice, the drum and the bell: Eurasian exchanges of political ideals


Among the stories about ideal governance of the sage kings during the sandai 三代 is that about a drum set up by the Great Yu 大禹 in front of his palace. If someone felt wronged and was blocked by officials to get justice, he would beat the drum so that the Emperor himself would hear it and take the matter in hand personally. This story about a public commitment of an ideal ruler to secure justice as well as an institutionalized channel to provide public access to the emperor has become part of a shared imaginary about ideal government down to the end of the imperial period. During some periods such drums were indeed set up in from of the palace as well as local Yamens. Arabic travelers reported on it in the late Tang period, and the story and the idea spread across Eurasia. From the 12th cent. on we find records of the drums (or bells) and the accompanying idea in India, Persia, and Europe, and the Ottoman Empire both in stories about just rulers and even in travelogues (of Yuan dynasty Chinese to India, for example).In Europe, this institution became part of a highly-idealized image of the Chinese state since the 12th century. The talk will trace transcultural interaction in the formation of a shared ideal of justice and the ways to secure it, and will analyze the role played by the non-verbal features (drum, place) in anchoring and spreading ideas (justice). To familiarize themselves with the basic story, students are encouraged to read the attached document.

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