一、六朝時期(Six Dynasties period):
南京大學中文系(Dept. of Chinese Literature, Nanjing University)
中央大學中國文學系(Dept. of Chinese Literature, National Central University)
二、南宋至明初時期(Southern Song to Early Ming period):
School of Oriental and African Studies, London University(英國倫敦大學亞非學院中文及内亞系)
子計畫:Literati’s Responses to the Jin and Mongol Threat in the Southern Song Period
中央大學中國文學系(Dept. of Chinese Literature, National Central University)
三、晚明至清初時期(Late Ming to Early Qing period):
Indiana University, Department of History(美國印第安那大學歷史系)
子計畫:Dreaming and Chinese Intellectuals in National Crises
中央大學歷史所(Graduate Institute of History, National Central University)
Princeton University, Department of East Asian Studies(美國普林斯頓大學東亞系)
子計畫:Blaming the Heart: Early Qing Polemics Against Xinxue as the Intellectual Background of
Seventeenth and Eighteenth-century Chinese Fiction
四、晚清至民國時期(Late Qing to Republican period):
8 . 呂文翠(Lü Wencui)
中央大學中國文學系(Dept. of Chinese Literature, National Central University)